What visa do I need to study in France?

Do I Need a visa to study in France?

Depending on your native country, it may be necessary for you to obtain a visa if you wish to study and/or learn French while residing in France. Citizens of the European Union, Switzerland, or nationals of the European Economic Area can thus study in France without demanding a visa beforehand.

Nationals of other countries who do not have a French residence permit must therefore obtain a visa to stay in France and learn French, whether as a student or on a personal basis.

The type of visa varies depending on whether you are a student or not, and also depends on the length of your stay.

Long- Stay Visa (visa long séjour)

The long-stay visa as residence permit is the most suitable for students who wish to learn French: it can indeed be extended for those who wish to pursue higher education in France.

Valid for 4 to 12 months, this long-stay visa exempts its holder from the obligation to apply for a residence card and offers many advantages: the later can indeed travel throughout the Schengen zone, work part-time in France and  ask for housing benefits paid for by the CAF (caisse des allocations familiales) Holders of such a visa who wish to extend their stay in France beyond the validity of their permit must however apply for a residence card at the prefecture 2 months before visa expiration.

The long-stay visa as a residence permit is also intended for workers, trainees and visitors who, for a period of between 4 and 12 months, will have the opportunity to learn French in France.

Temporary long-stay visa

This temporary visa is also granted for a period ranging from four to twelve months but differs from the long-stay visa in several fundamental points : it cannot be extended in France and does not give its holder the possibility of working part-time or apply for financial aid from the CAF. It is therefore aimed at people who wish to take a few months or even a sabbatical year to learn French.

Working holiday visa or “young traveler”

The working holiday or “young traveler” visa addresses people aged 18 to 30, and concerns 16 countries. In order to obtain this visa, one should meet certain specific conditions, the reason for the trip being the tourist and cultural discovery of France – which includes of course learning French language. With a maximum duration of one year, this visa cannot be extended but will still allow you to exercise a salaried activity.

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À partir du 6 janvier, les admissions et le secrétariat sont ouverts à distance.

Les cours reprendront le 20 janvier à la nouvelle adresse :

7-11 avenue des Chasseurs
75017 Paris


Starting January 6, admissions and the administrative offices operate remotely.

Classes will start on January 20 at the new location:

7-11 Avenue des Chasseurs
75017 Paris


Découvrez les cours mensuels de français.

Ces programmes courts sont destinés à un public de niveau débutant, élémentaire ou intermédiaire (niveaux A0 à B1).

Ils combinent cours de français et cours de phonétique pour progresser rapidement dans la maîtrise de la langue française.

Discover monthly French courses.

These short programs are designed for beginners, elementary, or intermediate learners (levels from A0 to B1).

They combine French language classes and speaking practice sessions to help students quickly improve their mastery of the French language.


Bénéficiez de 20% de réduction sur tous les cours annuels et semestriels pour la rentrée de septembre 2024, pour toute inscription réalisée avant le 1er septembre, dans la limite des places disponibles.

Votre code promo :


Get a 20% discount on all annual and semester courses for the September 2024 intake, for any registration completed before September 1st, subject to availability.

Your promo code:


Le secrétariat sera exceptionnellement fermé le jeudi 6 juin.

The secretariat will be exceptionally closed on Thursday, June 6. 

Dernières places disponibles pour la rentrée d'automne !

Profitez d’une remise exceptionnelle de 20% sur le cours intensif de français S40, les cours S10 et S20 et les cours du soir.

Les inscriptions fermeront le vendredi 13 septembre à minuit.

Pour s’inscrire :

  • Pour le cours S40, inscription sur ce site avec le code promo SEPTEMBRE24
  • Pour les cours du soir S05, inscription sur ce site avec le code promo SEPTEMBRE24
  • Pour les cours S10 et S20, inscription directement au secrétariat de l’institution, ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 16h30.

Inscription dans la limite des places disponibles.

L’inscription à la session d’automne (rentrée du 16 septembre 2024) est encore possible, sous réserve de places disponibles.

Les étudiants souhaitant s’inscrire sont invités à se rendre directement au bureau des admissions de l’institution, ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 16h30.
Ils doivent s’assurer de disposer d’un visa valide.

L’inscription en ligne pour cette session n’est plus possible sur ce site.

Last spots available for the fall intake

Get an exclusive 20% discount on the intensive French course S40, S10 & S20 courses, and evening classes.

Registration will close on Friday, September 13th, at midnight.

To register:

  • For the S40 course, register on this website using the promo code SEPTEMBRE24.
  • For the evening classes S05, register on this website using the promo code SEPTEMBRE24.
  • For S10 & S20 courses, register directly at the institution’s office, open Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

Registration is subject to availability.

Registration for the fall session (starting on September 16, 2024) is still possible, subject to availability.

Students wishing to register are invited to go directly to the institution’s admission office, open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 4.30pm.
They must ensure they have a valid visa.

Online registration for this session is no longer available on this website.

Dates des prochains examens TCF

Les prochaines sessions d’examen TCF auront lieu dans les locaux de l’institution aux dates suivantes :

Le 30 janvier et le 27 février :

+ épreuve orale
+ épreuve écrite

Le 31 janvier et le 28 février :