La Sorbonne University, an institution in the heart of Paris

Sorbonne University, located in the heart of Paris, is one of the most renowned higher education institutions in the world. Founded in 1257 by Robert de Sorbon, it takes its name from the college which served as a residence for students and professors. Over the centuries, the Sorbonne has become a symbol of academic excellence and intellectual culture, welcoming generations of students and researchers from around the world.
The university is renowned, among other things, for its commitment to innovation and cutting-edge research in many fields, ranging from the humanities and social sciences to the exact and natural sciences. With its numerous research laboratories and international collaborations, Sorbonne University contributes significantly to the advancement of knowledge and the resolution of global challenges.

French Language Teaching at Sorbonne University

Within the Sorbonne University, the teaching of the French language occupies an important place. Building on its cultural and linguistic heritage, the Sorbonne is indeed committed to offering quality teaching in French as a foreign language (FLE) to a diverse international audience.
French courses at Sorbonne University are designed to meet the specific needs of learners, whether beginners or advanced. Programs focus on developing essential language skills such as listening comprehension, reading, writing and oral communication. In addition, the courses also integrate cultural aspects, allowing students to discover the richness and diversity of French culture.

SELFEE-Sorbonne University: a major player in FLE Teaching

A pioneer in the development of French language and civilization certifications, SELFEE-Sorbonne University is one of the Sorbonne’s flagship departments dedicated to the teaching of French as a foreign language (FLE). Built on decades of linguistic expertise, SELFEE offers a diverse range of French courses tailored to the needs and levels of learners around the world. It allows them to obtain official diplomas in French, the DELF (Diplome en langue française) and DALF (Diplôme avancé en langue française), as well as SELFEE certification.
SELFEE-Sorbonne University plays a crucial role in promoting the French language throughout the world by offering quality programs and using innovative teaching methods. As an examination center, SELFEE-Sorbonne University has become essential for international students who wish to officially attest to their level in the French language, whether for academic, personal or professional purposes.


Ecriture de la sorbonne sur une facade

La Sorbonne, symbol of educational excellence

The Sorbonne University stands out for its internationally recognized educational excellence. Building on its historical heritage and commitment to academic innovation, the Sorbonne offers world-class education in a wide range of disciplines. The teachers, experts in their field, implement innovative and adapted teaching methods, promoting interaction and student engagement. Academic programs are designed to offer comprehensive training, combining intellectual rigor and open-mindedness. In addition, the Sorbonne places great importance on research and action research, thus allowing students to benefit from the latest advances in their respective fields of study. By offering a stimulating academic environment conducive to intellectual development, Sorbonne University continues to position itself as one of the most prestigious higher education institutions in the world.

Other institutions close to la Sorbonne

Near the Sorbonne University, several prestigious institutions also enrich the cultural and educational landscape of Paris. Among these, the Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne (CCFS) stand out for their commitment to promoting French language and culture to an international audience. Founded in 1919, these courses offer an in-depth exploration of French civilization through varied programs covering history, literature, art, philosophy and many other areas. In addition, they offer cultural activities and excursions allowing students to discover Paris and its heritage from a new angle. Such a proximity to the CCFS offers Sorbonne University students a unique opportunity to complete their academic training with an immersion in the cultural and intellectual wealth of France.


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Nouveauté : découvrez les cours mensuels.

Les CCFS proposent dès novembre des cours mensuels de français général et intensif.

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Le secrétariat sera exceptionnellement fermé le jeudi 6 juin.

The secretariat will be exceptionally closed on Thursday, June 6. 


Bénéficiez de 20% de réduction sur tous les cours annuels et semestriels pour la rentrée de septembre 2024, pour toute inscription réalisée avant le 1er septembre, dans la limite des places disponibles.

Votre code promo :


Get a 20% discount on all annual and semester courses for the September 2024 intake, for any registration completed before September 1st, subject to availability.

Your promo code:


Le secrétariat sera exceptionnellement fermé le jeudi 6 juin.

The secretariat will be exceptionally closed on Thursday, June 6. 

Dernières places disponibles pour la rentrée d'automne !

Profitez d’une remise exceptionnelle de 20% sur le cours intensif de français S40, les cours S10 et S20 et les cours du soir.

Les inscriptions fermeront le vendredi 13 septembre à minuit.

Pour s’inscrire :

  • Pour le cours S40, inscription sur ce site avec le code promo SEPTEMBRE24
  • Pour les cours du soir S05, inscription sur ce site avec le code promo SEPTEMBRE24
  • Pour les cours S10 et S20, inscription directement au secrétariat de l’institution, ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 16h30.

Inscription dans la limite des places disponibles.

L’inscription à la session d’automne (rentrée du 16 septembre 2024) est encore possible, sous réserve de places disponibles.

Les étudiants souhaitant s’inscrire sont invités à se rendre directement au bureau des admissions de l’institution, ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 16h30.
Ils doivent s’assurer de disposer d’un visa valide.

L’inscription en ligne pour cette session n’est plus possible sur ce site.

Last spots available for the fall intake

Get an exclusive 20% discount on the intensive French course S40, S10 & S20 courses, and evening classes.

Registration will close on Friday, September 13th, at midnight.

To register:

  • For the S40 course, register on this website using the promo code SEPTEMBRE24.
  • For the evening classes S05, register on this website using the promo code SEPTEMBRE24.
  • For S10 & S20 courses, register directly at the institution’s office, open Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

Registration is subject to availability.

Registration for the fall session (starting on September 16, 2024) is still possible, subject to availability.

Students wishing to register are invited to go directly to the institution’s admission office, open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 4.30pm.
They must ensure they have a valid visa.

Online registration for this session is no longer available on this website.

Dates des prochains examens TCF

Les prochaines sessions d’examen TCF auront lieu dans les locaux de l’institution aux dates suivantes :

Le 30 janvier et le 27 février :

+ épreuve orale
+ épreuve écrite

Le 31 janvier et le 28 février :